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Online Video Course
Lots of great material in this class. The free book chapter on the origin challenge was a great addition to the lectures and really helped put it all together. Starting with your origin to figure out who and what shaped you makes total sense when it comes to real personal development and growth.
SoperThis course was excellent. Each section was short enough to hold my attention and packed
with useful information. You could tell the instructor really knows his stuff and has great energy and passion for what he is teaching. This is a great course for anyone who wants to know what is holding them back and why. It offers tons of practical advice for how to get out of your own way. I really enjoyed all of the resources and exercises that accompanied the lectures. They helped really personalize the entire thing.A lot of personal development products tell you to look within and analyze yourself. I’m not saying that is a bad thing, but it seems to only address part of the issue. Skip’s class addresses the other part--how we became who we are based on our origin. This class teaches you how to look at our parents and other major influencers and their characteristics and learn how they have had an impact on your personal development. There are great exercises to help get to the root of issues and practical
van EmmyI have been a teacher for almost two decades. I have always worked with grade school kids from kindergarten through fifth grade and I could almost always tell the type of parents kids have based on the way they act. So this class really made sense to me. This course gave me some great ideas on how to work with kids to best adjust their origin influences and work with parents to do the same.
Anita BaidoWow. This instructor has great energy. He is very direct and honest about his own challenges and how they shaped who he is and it really helped me better understand myself. One of the best things about this course is all of the downloadable resources. Not only does the instructor give you great ideas on how to understand your own origin challenges, but then he offers a bunch of downloadable exercise sheets to walk you through the process. He even includes his own completed sheets to give you an idea of what to do and what you want to accomplish. I highly recommend this course to anyone truly interested in effective personal and professional development.
PedroWow. Certainly didn’t anticipate how the origin programming affected so much of my adult life and reactions in personal and professional relationships. The insights that this course contains as well as the worksheets to identify specific traits are great. Really makes you think. I highly recommend the course. The teacher is also articulate and very engaging.
Carol FitzgeraldI run a small business with around 10 employees and I am constantly feeling like I am not getting the most out of myself or them. A lot of it has to do with the way I interact with my employees and never wanting to feel like they do not like me to the point where I don’t hold them to normal employee standards and let them get away with stuff that I know I should not. This is a similar problem I have in relationships. I never knew why until I took this class. I learned why I have a need to feel liked and accepted rather than respected. I know this revelation will make me a better partner and a better boss. I would recommend this class to anyone who has well-established issues and can’t quite figure out why and how to overcome them.
SimeonI found this course interesting on a lot of levels. On a personal level, it certainly made me realize that I have developed certain habits based on the people that have been most influential in my life. But it also made me recognize the same thing in others. Especially those with whom I interact regularly such as my family, my friends, my loved ones, and even my coworkers. As a manager, if I can better understand the type of things that drive the people around me, I can be better and more effective in leading them. I definitely recommend this course for people in management and leadership roles. It will help you understand yourself and others better.
LawisAs a parent, I never wanted to pass down some of the more negative things I experienced as a kid. It has always been a fear of mine. But I also didn’t necessarily recognize some of the things that stuck with me from my childhood and how they impact me as a parent. This course really opened my eyes to that and I feel like I’m going to be a better parent because of it. I think everyone could benefit from looking at the people and experiences that have influenced them since a young age.
GladsyThis class really made me think about the type of person I am and how I became who I am. It helped me answer a lot of questions about why I respond to things the way I do what I can do to change the things I don’t like in my behavior. It gave me great insight into who I want to be. It also reminded me that it’s never too late to start to improve and develop a healthier mindset.
HendonGetting close to college graduation, I’m starting to realize that there are certain things that will make me more and less desirable to employers. I certainly know that there are some characteristics I have that aren’t necessarily the most marketable, but I never knew why. Sometimes I procrastinate and lack follow through. This course and instructor helped me recognize why I have some of the idiosyncrasies I do and how I can go about changing some of them.
My failure to master my “origin challenge” cost me in large part my professional reputation, career, some $50 million of my net worth, and my marriage. If I only knew then what I know now and am sharing with you!
Now that I have your attention, let’s talk about what MASTERING YOU really means. Simply put, it is the process of discovering who and what you are, from whence you came, and what you need to do become the best version of you possible, personally and professionally. The MASTERING YOU process starts with mastering your “origin challenge.”
This course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools to understand, own and revise as appropriate your origin programming, namely the behavioral, social, emotional, intellectual and psychological “DNA” given to you by your parents and others during your first 18 years of life when you were the most open, most impressionable and most programmable. Then redefine and realize your full potential. By thoroughly planning, frequently measuring, frequently reporting and appropriately rewarding your mastery of your origin challenge.
Filled with thought provoking questions, practical exercises, worksheets, and resources, “HOW TO MASTER YOUR ORIGIN CHALLENGE” is your first step to mastering you from the inside out, personally and professionally. Free from all the powerful outside forces trying to define and master you from the outside in.
Are you ready to take a long hard look in the mirror?
Then hold yourself accountable to make the changes that the fully informed expert looking back at you tells you to make to realize your full potential?
If so, then this course is for you!

Available in print, eBook, & Audiobook.
I highly recommend this book! Mastering You From the Inside Out is an incredible read! I value someone who can share their own story while allowing themselves to be vulnerable. I felt that Skip was very authentic and Skip gets right to the point. It’s an excellent way to create new goals and boundaries within your daily life while learning from someone else’s. Well done!
Kelley JohnsonI am a psychological professional. I am a coach. I have been to therapy for decades. The exercises in this book opened my eyes to some things in my behavior I just had never seen before. It was so impactful, I sat down with my wife and told her the things I learned about my programming and place of origin that explained so much of my behavior and habits, it literally freed me up to understand not only the whys, but embark on the journey to change. And that is what this book does. With the exercises in this book that Skip provides it is literally an invitation to change your life, your career, and how you do business. I loved this book! It is now a going to be a reference for my coaching clients.
Jay IzsoAs I’ve had occasion to read more business-based self-help works—and this is such a book, to be sure—I’ve noticed more and more that they tend to take on a “here’s what happened to me, and this is how I handled it; it worked for me, clearly, so it will work for you, too.” There’s value in such things, of course; one person walking a path may make it easier for the next person to do so. Then again, it might not, and that’s not something I see acknowledged a lot in works in the genre. The present volume, however, makes much of its Cummins’s mistakes; there’s a lot of bitter “I did this, and it went wrong this way; I wish I’d known to do [X] instead” going on, which is surprisingly refreshing to read. (Interestingly, a lot of that X comes off as being investing in municipal bonds, which is something I’ll be looking into as I move forward.)As an aside, I note with some interest the frequency of reference to Shakespeare’s Hamlet and to Machiavelli’s The Prince. It does seem set to figure the book as more informed, more intellectually engaged, than many others in the genre; the repeated lists of questions and exhortation to write answers seem to do much the same. Having come from academe, I appreciate the gestures on a visceral level, even if I do have to wonder about them. After all, we do have the comment in Hamlet that “The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
Geoffrey B. ElliottA must read for anyone who has asked the question, “what makes me happy?” This book is gritty, so strap on your seatbelt and enjoy the ride. Written from a first person perspective of someone who faces unimaginable challenges at a young age and goes on to tackle the highest level of the business world. Is it a happy ending story, yes and no because the author withholds nothing, and offers a searing truth of how to drill down to your family of origin issues in a way that helps you avoid unnecessary pain and suffering. This is also a story about the impacts of mental illness, how it shapes families and how much more needs to be done to address symptoms and treatments. Skip has bared his soul so others can know how to handle life challenges in a more predictable, practical and successful manner that can lessen unnecessary pain and suffering.
Robin MeinhartMastering You From The Inside Out: Survive and Thrive, Personally and Professionally, by Skip Cummins, is such an inspirational read. I typically don’t order books for growth or personal development/learning, but I’m so glad I purchased this. From start to finish, the author’s unique comedic writing style engages you and reels you deeper into the book. The author incorporates a lot of personal events and how he dealt with that trauma, enabling readers to connect with him on a deeper level and letting him guide us through how he stayed motivated and overcame what life threw at him. I recommend this book to anybody struggling or in need of motivation, hope, determination, etc. It’s not a slow and typical read like other self help books, it makes you want to sit down with a warm cup of tea or coffee in the morning and read for hours. Learning about Skip and the challenges he faced wasn’t a “feel sorry for me” type of work, rather, it was a “learn from what I have been through” which allows readers to sympathize and think that if someone else can go through life events much more drastic than I, then I can get through whatever comes my way
Larissa WangI had never read a self-help book before. Skip Cummins' book, "Mastering You from the Inside Out", was given to me as a gift. I read it and was totally impressed. First, his range of personal and professional experiences is pretty much unique and unprecedented. Second, he seems to be totally honest. I cannot imagine having a source of experience and honesty that matches this book. I sent each of my two sons a copy, not because I think they need direction or motivation, but because they can learn about a breadth of profound experiences by reading this book that they would otherwise have to suffer through themselves to get. The author has maintained positivity and direction in the face of unspeakable loss and maltreatment. I think anyone would benefit by reading this book. It could really change a person's life if they took it to heart.
Robert TiboltYes, it is a good read, but it is so much more. The book presents a basic structure for an abundant life, well-planned and enjoyably lived. The chapters step the reader through an examination of self in a caring and helpful way. We are provided an opportunity to work on changing toward who we wish to be in a private setting. Skip shares painful life lessons as informative learning vignettes for the reader. He teaches us ways to direct and spend our life’s energy more productively to bring true happiness for us and those around us. The first seven chapters are suitable for self-development for high school age teens, preparing them to take responsibility for managing their lives after basic education. It is also a great resource for people in their 20’s through 40’s to redirect one’s life early, head-off classic mid-life crises, and help preserve wealth and marriages. The second half of the book provides ways to understand and function constructively in larger contexts of other people and systems, such as family and business. Great for gifts to adult children and struggling friends as well!
MonsoonI have known Skip Cummins for almost 50 years. We were classmates and Teamates in College. Skip was an outstanding athlete and good guy. A high achiever in a place of high achievers. Skips business life story intertwined with a personal life that’s Movie caliber is a good read with interesting perspectives on familiar subjects. The wild life’s swings are rich in content and pure interest/fun. I’m getting him over to talk with my real estate Company in Paso Robles and my business associates and friends will be invited. Each chapter kind of stands alone. The guy was legit 50 years ago and he’s still legit. The journey is different. Peted
Pete DakinBut this was one booked that I started to read, and I was hooked. Originally, I was going to read a few chapters a day, but I ended up finishing the whole book in one day. Not only did it provide great insight to life, but it also motivated me to become a better version of myself. It helped me to look at situations from all angles, and gave me a structure to best react to those situations.
Amazon CustomerYou can judge Mastering You From The Inside Out by it’s cover...This book is just as insightful and powerful as the experience I had when I worked under Skip Cummins’ direction at Cyberonics (now LivaNova). We made it through two U.S. Food and Drug Administration scientific panel meetings and two pre-market approvals in the neuromodulation market--pure, raw passion in overdrive and against all odds when everyone said it couldn’t be done. I learned so much then and even understand more now that I have read Mastering You From The Inside Out-Survive and Thrive, Personally and Professionally.Mastering You From The Inside Out gave me the Skip Cummins’ back story--I came to better understand his leadership qualities and drive (as told through his personal life experiences). His book provided me with a better understanding of how we are hardwired as individuals and influenced by our families and external environment—we are shaped by these forces not only to accomplish great things but also to make what Skip calls "colossal mistakes" without even knowing it. Skip provides specific examples to show how external and powerful, status quo forces (that we have little to no control over—e.g., governmental agencies) factor into the “colossal mistakes” formula and can completely undermine any chance for our success and happiness.In Mastering You From The Inside Out, Skip explains that, without serious introspection and corrective measures, we have no hope of addressing “colossal mistakes” that can cripple our professional and personal lives. He provides specific steps to identify and prevent these mistakes and to harness the power within us—it’s never too late!You must read--Mastering You From The Inside Out---I promise you won’t regret it!
Annette Z.I have been yearning for a good self help book that empowers, uplifts and inspires me to dig deep within myself and pull out my why and my how. I have finally found it! Mr. Cummings has a wonderful way of doing all those things through his words and this book has given me the jolt and boost I need to go forward and be great. Thank you so much!
Rhonda LOut of all the self-help books I’ve read, Mastering You From the Inside Out is the most straight forward guide I’ve ever come across. He tells you step by step how to deal with life obstacles, whether it’s with relationships or career mistakes. Cummins is a well experienced man and has been through a lot and overcome a lot. It’s a nice read to revisit whenever you’re dealing with your own issues. Even if you haven’t experienced some of the things he covers, you’ll be fully-equipped to tackle the situation when it does arise. I really appreciate Cummins raw and honest approach. He’s a “tell it like it is” type of guy, which is really helpful when you need an honest voice to get you through a situation. The book emphasizes learning from the past and applying it to your future in order to take the reins of your life. This would make a great gift for Father’s Day.
Agnes MuseeMastering Your From the Inside Out gave me too many ah-hah moments to count. The twice-married, multi-millionaire CEO-turned trantra Yoga instructor, and survivor of unspeakable personal tragedy, has managed to draw a clear and beautiful path to the light at the end of the tunnel. It's one thing to tell people how to live their best life. It's another thing to really show you. Skip Cummins shows you by brazenly telling his story and sharing deeply unpacked lessons. In the process, you learn to redefine important elements of success such as integrity and communication so that you can adapt to the needs of your true self, the people you love, and the job at hand. At times, I felt my heart tear a bit for Skip. He has really been through one heck of a life. But I gained tremendous hope as he walked me through life-changing questions and reflective exercises. Ultimately, Cummins gets you to the point where you're no longer blaming your troubles on anybody. But rather, taking epic steps to self-empower, learn, grow and heal. What I loved the most about this book is how it empowers you both in life and in work. Cummin's life stories, humor, and serious transformation can and should really be applied to every aspect of your life!
MalenaWell, I definitely didn’t expect the book to start off like it did. The narrative caught my attention right away and signaled to me that this self help book wasn’t like others I have read. The use of his own real life examples was nice to be able to compare and contrast my own experiences and made the book much more impactful than some sort of vague thought exercise. Additionally, I think reading about someone else’s failures makes it more comfortable to dig into your own. The chapter on what makes you happy hit close to home. I have been thinking about that a lot lately. Here again, the concrete life examples really help ̶ I actually right away identified that my happiness was driven by the opposite of some of Skip’s examples. I am not sure I would have quickly come to those conclusions about what makes me happy without being able to contrast my life against his own experiences. I also enjoyed the message that improving is a life process ̶ there is no deadline or “too late”. Overall, this is a helpful and easy to read book.
MTBeyond being a self-help book with many excellent pieces of real-world advice to absorb and apply, this book reads like an intriguing white collar crime thriller at certain parts! Now, that's an inventive way to pass along some wisdom! Through the stories of his two failed marriages and the meteoric rise and fall of his medical device company, (complete with government corruption, breakthrough therapies, boardroom backstabbing, etc.) Skip Cummins shares some very profound life lessons learned in some very hard ways. The advice seems sincere and well-structured in this book, and I believe that is because Skip is genuinely interested in saving you personal and financial heartache by sharing his tips for restructuring the ways you think about yourself and interact with both your spouse and professional contacts.I particularly enjoyed the section about living your life in a way that is planned, measured, monitored, and rewarded. This is a framework that is often used in the workplace, but Skip explains that it can easily be applied to the achievement of your personal goals. I also appreciate that Skip encourages his readers to abandon status quo notions about what you need to own or how to need to appear to others in order to find true happiness. Marriage, parenthood, fancy cars, home ownership, and succumbing to the powers that be are all commitments to an existing state of affairs that just may not suit you or be financially prudent. Thank goodness Skip prompts the reader to look inward, understand from whence they came and how this may be influencing their decisions, and then self-correct to maximize opportunities and one’s chance of success.I would recommend this book to anyone who has suffered a major setback, romantically or professionally. I think there is also great self-help questioning in this book for anyone who seems to take things too personally or has unresolved issues from their childhood that are still causing anger.
Kasey Clark“Mastering You From The Inside Out: Survive and Thrive Personally and Professionally” grabbed my attention immediately with it’s vivid opening scene that clearly communicated why Skip wrote this book.Soon after I found myself further engaged when I did the first exercise suggested. As I continued to read I took note of numerous quotes mentioned that resonate with me. One of many was “What gets thoroughly planned, frequently measured, frequently reported, and appropriately rewarded, gets done.”I loved that Skip clearly laid out his book’s objective from the start and stayed true to that purpose until the end. His writing style is unique and thought provoking. I felt as if I was talking with a good friend when I read his story and lessons learned. The vulnerability he displays in telling his experience truthfully endeared me to him. There were even parts of the book that touched me so deeply I cried.Skip touches on topics that pertain to all aspects of life which include financial success, codependency, happiness, boundaries, relationship with self and others, tantra, integrity, self care, and many more. Much of what I read I immediately decided to apply to my life. I also found answers to questions I’ve been asking myself within the pages of “Mastering Yourself From The Inside Out”, such as “Should I rent or buy my next home?”Although a variety of topics are covered in his book, Skip manages to weave them all together seamlessly with his story and the relevant wisdom he is sharing with the reader. Skip not only tells his story well but he gets you involved with questions and exercises to immediately begin the process of mastering yourself.This is running longer than I anticipated so I’ll end by saying I would highly recommend to anybody who is seeking to better themselves and their life. I loved this book from beginning to end.
Ayo Toush“Mastering You From The Inside Out: Survive and Thrive Personally and Professionally” grabbed my attention immediately with it’s vivid opening scene that clearly communicated why Skip wrote this book.Soon after I found myself further engaged when I did the first exercise suggested. As I continued to read I took note of numerous quotes mentioned that resonate with me. One of many was “What gets thoroughly planned, frequently measured, frequently reported, and appropriately rewarded, gets done.”I loved that Skip clearly laid out his book’s objective from the start and stayed true to that purpose until the end. His writing style is unique and thought provoking. I felt as if I was talking with a good friend when I read his story and lessons learned. The vulnerability he displays in telling his experience truthfully endeared me to him. There were even parts of the book that touched me so deeply I cried.Skip touches on topics that pertain to all aspects of life which include financial success, codependency, happiness, boundaries, relationship with self and others, tantra, integrity, self care, and many more. Much of what I read I immediately decided to apply to my life. I also found answers to questions I’ve been asking myself within the pages of “Mastering Yourself From The Inside Out”, such as “Should I rent or buy my next home?”Although a variety of topics are covered in his book, Skip manages to weave them all together seamlessly with his story and the relevant wisdom he is sharing with the reader. Skip not only tells his story well but he gets you involved with questions and exercises to immediately begin the process of mastering yourself.This is running longer than I anticipated so I’ll end by saying I would highly recommend to anybody who is seeking to better themselves and their life. I loved this book from beginning to end.
Nikki GoGoEvery chapter of this book left me with excellently detailed perspectives for more pround and detailed concientiousness in my life. Its one of those reads that make you just a bit more aware, couteous and more connected.Very happy from this read, reccomended for anyone on that endless quest of self knowledge .
Do you ever wish you had a been there, done that confidant who understood your personal and professional challenges, wouldn’t pass judgement, and would tell you things you needed and at times didn’t want to hear?
For many of us, utilizing the experience of others, not only their success, but also the tragedies they’ve dealt with, and how they’ve owned, embraced and learned from mistakes and failures, is the key to success.
Unlike most personal growth books, in MASTERING YOU I openly share with you not only my extraordinary accomplishments, but, most importantly my colossal mistakes, in candid, sometimes ugly detail. Everything I admittedly wish I knew then that I know now.
MASTERING YOU challenges and empowers you by providing tools to look deep inside yourself to:
- Understand the type of person you are and why.
- Identify what you want and need to change.
- Create and implement plans to MASTER YOU FROM THE INSIDE OUT and realize your full personal and professional potential.
The rest is up to YOU. This book helps YOU MASTER YOU.
It doesn’t MASTER YOU for you.
Whether you are trying to find a professional edge, improve your personal life and relationships, need feedback from an unbiased source, struggle to find happiness, or just want to find better life balance…

Live on location or live remote video conferencing.
Session Options:
- One-hour keynote and Q&A + two total hours of workshops. (3/4 day)
- One-hour keynote and Q&A + four hours of workshops. (full day)
Method: Live on location or live remote video conferencing.
Program personalized to the needs of the participants
General Topics
- The Origin Challenge
- Your Happiness Formula
- The Integrity Principle
- Live Your Life Plan
- Boundaries Set You Free
- Common Language, Vocabulary, and Experience Creates Communication
- The Status Quo Conundrum
- The Picking Your Battles Dilemma
- How to Win When “Shit” Happens
- Your Daring Greatly Recipe
- How to Deliver on Your Promises and be a Hero
- Selling and Buying Your Way to Abundance
- The White Flag Victory Rule
- Are You Scalable?
- The Self Care Test
- Mentors, Confidantes, building your team, and OPM

Intended for groups of 4 to 20 from a single company, this intensive is intended to provide participants with personalized, practical tools to reach their personal and professional potential.
Group Size: 4-20
Sessions: Two -hour introduction session. 60-minute weekly sessions for 3 months.
Method: Live remote video conferencing.
Topics: Program personalized to the needs of the participants.

Intended for the executive on the go, this program is works with individual one-on-one to identify your personal and professional needs and wants, identify what is holding you back, and provide the practical tools, exercises, and mentoring to help you master you and breakthrough your barriers.
Group Size: One-on-one.
Intro Session: Two-hour intro session, followed by (3) one-hour weekly sessions for a month.
Ongoing Sessions: one-hour weekly sessions.
Method: Live remote video conferencing.
Topics: Program personalized to the needs of the participant.

Taking complete advantage of Skip’s experiential knowledge and coaching, this program is a uniquely personalized approach to help executives master their potential.
Group Size: One-on-one.
Session: Initial 3-day in-person shadowing and training. Weekly one-hour sessions. 24-hour access to Skip on an as-needed basis. 3-month initial engagement.
Method: In person and live remote video conferencing.
Topics: Program personalized to the needs of the participant.