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Jared Kuritz

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I love the way the book is written. Skip’s combination of personal stories and professional stories is effective in getting his point across. He provides unique exercises in the book that are thought provoking. I started a Brene Brown book and got side tracked when I picked up this one!
Great book during these times for sure Read More
Far too often, we are presented with self-help guides that do not provide concrete steps to achieve success. In this book, Mastering You from the Inside out, that is definitely not the case. Skip Cummins shed his layer of vulnerability by letting us in on his mistakes in order for us to learn from them. In this competitive society, these recommendations are essential to staying levelheaded and determined for success.
With that said, Skip approaches topics in a blunt manner. Personally, I prefer this approach to the sugarcoating and watered down method used in most self-improvement books. Why? I haveve come to learn that life's challenges won't beat around the bush so to speak. They'll knock you in the mouth. This book will prepare you for those haymakers and how to dodge or recover from them. This applies to both personally and professional experiences.
The author emphasizes the use of learning from the past but looking towards the future. This is one of those lessons that can be applied in several areas of my life. So, I could only assume that the same can be said for readers of this book. I suggest this for anyone who shows even a slight interest in improving as a working professional.
Breanna A.
Engaging! Read More
Mastering You From The Inside Out by Skip Cummins is now one of my favorite self help books of all time. Normally I’m a little skeptical about self help books but I genuinely enjoyed this one. It’s written in an easy to understand way that gives you the motivation to want to use all the advice and methods presented.
I really liked that the author not only presented his accomplishments but also his big mistakes and how he overcame them and how they helped him to grow. It gave the book a nice touch of honesty and a bit of hope.
Right off the bat it starts out very emotionally charged about his own mothers suicide and battle with hopelessness. He also discusses his mother’s depression and addiction to phenobarbital. This book is honest and refreshing to say the least. The author doesn’t hide behind pleasantries or try to make anything look better than it is. He’s honest and raw and that is what makes this such a great book.
What I really like about this book is that it emphasizes learning from the past and any past mistakes. It doesn’t try to sugarcoat them or make excuses. It says just to take them in stride and use them to grow and understand yourself both professionally and emotionally. It also provides concrete steps on how you can better yourself and quite frankly is really engaging. I definitely feel much more motivated and equipped on how to better myself. I highly recommend this to anyone going through a rough time or just looking to better themselves and their lives!
The Power Is Yours Read More
“Mastering You From The Inside Out: Survive and Thrive, Personally and Professionally” by Skip Cummins is a wonderful guide not only to success, but to knowing yourself. Skip shares many of the lessons he has learned through his epic successes and sometimes epic failures in order to help the reader learn how to realize their own potential in whatever area of life they are interested in improving. The book breaks down areas of success like business and personal relationships and then gives a detailed step by step process for anticipating the hiccups that inevitably pop up in life so that you are in the driver's seat of your own life. I was especially intrigued by some of the advice for preserving a marriage. I don’t want to give it all away, but let’s just say the definition of tantra is a lot more broad than I ever had imagined. Cummins also gives some solid advice on how to motivate your children as well as how to under promise and over deliver with your partner, children, and significant other so that you are always winning instead of disappointing those who depend on you. Cummins has an inspirational life story full of ups and downs that make him both relatable and aspirational. This is a good book to read now that many people have a little more free time on quarantine who want to take stock of their lives in order to move forward to be the best version of themselves possible.
Agnes Musee
Raw and honest Read More
Out of all the self-help books I’ve read, Mastering You From the Inside Out is the most straight forward guide I’ve ever come across. He tells you step by step how to deal with life obstacles, whether it’s with relationships or career mistakes. Cummins is a well experienced man and has been through a lot and overcome a lot. It’s a nice read to revisit whenever you’re dealing with your own issues. Even if you haven’t experienced some of the things he covers, you’ll be fully-equipped to tackle the situation when it does arise. I really appreciate Cummins raw and honest approach. He’s a “tell it like it is” type of guy, which is really helpful when you need an honest voice to get you through a situation. The book emphasizes learning from the past and applying it to your future in order to take the reins of your life. This would make a great gift for Father’s Day.
Ayo Toush
A great story mixed with wisdom to better all aspects of your life! Read More
“Mastering You From The Inside Out: Survive and Thrive Personally and Professionally” grabbed my attention immediately with it’s vivid opening scene that clearly communicated why Skip wrote this book.
Soon after I found myself further engaged when I did the first exercise suggested. As I continued to read I took note of numerous quotes mentioned that resonate with me. One of many was “What gets thoroughly planned, frequently measured, frequently reported, and appropriately rewarded, gets done.”
I loved that Skip clearly laid out his book’s objective from the start and stayed true to that purpose until the end. His writing style is unique and thought provoking. I felt as if I was talking with a good friend when I read his story and lessons learned. The vulnerability he displays in telling his experience truthfully endeared me to him. There were even parts of the book that touched me so deeply I cried.
Skip touches on topics that pertain to all aspects of life which include financial success, codependency, happiness, boundaries, relationship with self and others, tantra, integrity, self care, and many more. Much of what I read I immediately decided to apply to my life. I also found answers to questions I’ve been asking myself within the pages of “Mastering Yourself From The Inside Out”, such as “Should I rent or buy my next home?”
Although a variety of topics are covered in his book, Skip manages to weave them all together seamlessly with his story and the relevant wisdom he is sharing with the reader. Skip not only tells his story well but he gets you involved with questions and exercises to immediately begin the process of mastering yourself.
This is running longer than I anticipated so I’ll end by saying I would highly recommend to anybody who is seeking to better themselves and their life. I loved this book from beginning to end.
Anthony DeFeo
Inspiring read - speaks from the heart Read More
STRONGLY recommend for any reader who finds themselves unhappy or dissatisfied in life. Even if you're not looking to make a big change in your life, this book can CHANGE the way you see the world around you.
The author provides frank discussions from every corner of his life - personal and professional - holding NOTHING BACK in regard to his own personal failures as well as his successes. It's more like a friend sitting with you at a bar than a book, really. And his frequent message that living in the past stifles the POTENTIAL of your future is applicable to anybody who picks up this volume. The way he maintains this mentality through lows like divorce and highs like discovering his passion for tantra yoga shows you how the past is always there, good or bad, so why be burdened by it?
I blazed through this book, and already I'm beginning to look at my work life in a NEW LIGHT. And now I've got a Life Plan for moving forward, which I never even thought to actually write out on paper! It seems obvious, without this book, I'd have never thought to view my life in the way I'm starting to NOW.

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I had never read a self-help book before. Skip Cummins' book, "Mastering You from the Inside Out", was given to me as a gift. I read it and was totally impressed. First, his range of personal and professional experiences is pretty much unique and unprecedented. Second, he seems to be totally honest. I cannot imagine having a source of experience and honesty that matches this book. I sent each of my two sons a copy, not because I think they need direction or motivation, but because they can learn about a breadth of profound experiences by reading this book that they would otherwise have to suffer through themselves to get. The author has maintained positivity and direction in the face of unspeakable loss and maltreatment. I think anyone would benefit by reading this book. It could really change a person's life if they took it to heart.

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The author humbly and effectively shares lessons learned through blood, sweat and tears. He is not preaching just with words but teaching with his life - a life that has survived the depths of despair and the heights of prosperity to triumph with a higher and more permanent peace.

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Every chapter of this book left me with excellently detailed perspectives for more pround and detailed concientiousness in my life. Its one of those reads that make you just a bit more aware, couteous and more connected.
Very happy from this read, reccomended for anyone on that endless quest of self knowledge .

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This book is meant from those who are willing to delve deeply into their lives to seek and understand the truth – no matter what the truth reveals.
In his book, Skip Cummins shares his personal journey of self-examination and enlightenment in all areas of his life. Never one to mince words or sugarcoat facts, he is brutally honest in his evaluation of his own actions and objectively critical of others who have influenced his life through their actions. He shares the details of his life to show how he has learned from his successes and mistakes. He applies a process-based approach to helping the reader understand how they can take control and master their own lives through self-examination and conscious setting of important goals and boundaries in their professional and personal lives.
It is tough to look unflinchingly in the mirror, understand the truth and take the reins to control one’s life. Skip Cummins’ book is a good start down that path.

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This book is incredible. It’s packed with very powerful and motivational insights to understand why you do things based on your upbringing and changes you can make based on your needs and a well organized process of self reflection. I found myself laughing and nodding my head at times while I was reading, as I related some of Skip’s stories to my own experiences. It is filled with valuable life lessons and questions to understand what makes you happy and ultimately to create a plan for a more abundant life personally, professionally and financially. If you enjoy reading motivational books or educational books then I recommend this one. Unlike some self help authors I’ve read, Skip is “accessible,” doesn’t preach and he’s incredibly open when it comes to sharing the tragedies he’s faced and his mistakes and failures. Just like the title suggests he gives you all his hard earned life lessons and a formula, then leaves the mastering of you to you. Love it!
Latest Release
Mastering You from the Inside Out!
Survive and Thrive, Personally and Professionally
Unlike most personal growth books, in MASTERING YOU I openly share with you not only my extraordinary accomplishments, but, most importantly my colossal mistakes, in candid, sometimes ugly detail. Everything I admittedly wish I knew then that I know now. Learn More